Sports Betting News: BGC Members Set New Compliance Records

Sports Beting News
Sports Betting News: BGC Members Set New Compliance Records

Independent figures provided by Serve Legal show that Betting and Gaming Council (BGC) members have achieved impressive age verification annual pass rates. 
Bookmakers recorded a 91.4 percent pass rate, while casinos were just a couple of percentage points short of achieving perfection. 
Read on as we look at how the industry has been leading the way in ensuring that vulnerable age groups are prevented from accessing betting services. 


  • Compliance rates increase by nearly one-third since 2009.
  • BGC invests £10m into gambling harm prevention scheme.
  • Betting firms outperform other business for age verification compliance.

Betting Industry Leads the Way in Age Verification Compliance

The sportsbooks featured on this list of UK betting sites have played their part in helping the industry become the leading sector of age verification compliance in the United Kingdom. 
The betting industry outperforms supermarkets, convenience stores, petrol forecourts, alcohol outlets, lottery vendors and many other sectors by a considerable margin. 
BGC members have enforced stringent age verification measures across all their platforms to ensure that standards have increased significantly over the past 15 years. 

BGC Funds Gambling Harm Prevention Scheme

As part of its age verification compliance efforts, the BGC has invested £10 million into the Young People’s Gambling Harm Prevention Programme. 
Delivered by leading charities GamCare and YGAM, the scheme has reached more than two million 11 to 19-year-olds and the people working with them in the UK. 
By targeting this particular demographic, the BGC aims to prevent children and young people from experiencing gaming and gambling harms through education, research and raising awareness. 

Serve Legal Helps the Betting Industry Tackle Age Compliance Challenges

Serve Legal have conducted over 200,000 audits across gambling platforms since 2009 to ensure BGC members are equipped to tackle age compliance issues. 
Ed Heaver, Serve Legal Chief Executive Officer, said: “The Serve Legal team are incredibly proud of the work conducted by the BGC and their members. 
“Their impressive dedication and work ethic has paid off in some highly impressive statistics, showing the 30% compliance increase across the industry over the time that we have worked in the sector.” 

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